Validate and test IQL

A validation endpoint is available for:

  • testing if the syntax of your IQL query is correct.
  • previewing the results of the IQL (function results, actual values of context attributes).
  • checking examples of items which match the IQL query.
  • checking if a particular item matches the IQL query.
Tip: This article presents one request example. For a complete list of all available options and response parameters, see the API reference.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...66Wr4' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "filteringString": "IF(\"vip\" IN client.tags, discount >, discount == 0)",
    "contextItems": ["549"],
    "candidateItems": ["302","413"],
    "clientUUID": "516e431d-c6d9-488e-b184-f8b15f93baeb"


  • itemsCatalogId=default is the ID of the item feed which is the source for items tested by the query
  • filteringString is the complete IQL query (note the escaped quotes in the query)
  • contextItems is an array of context items, in this case it’s one item
  • candidateItems is an array of items to test against the filteringString
  • clientUUID is the identifier of the context profile


    "filteringString": "IF(\"vip\" IN client.tags, discount >, discount == 0)",
    "contextItems": [
    "clientUUID": "516e431d-c6d9-488e-b184-f8b15f93baeb",
    // informs if the IQL syntax (and only the syntax) is valid:
    "parserResult": {
        // processed filtering string:
        "parsedFilteringString": "IF(\"vip\" IN client.tags THEN discount > ELSE discount == 0.0)",
        "valid": true
    // summary of context values used in the query. Details are available in the API reference.
    "extracts": {
        "clientExtracts": {
            "aggregateConstants": [],
            "attributeConstants": [],
            "expressionConstants": [],
            "segmentationsConstant": [],
            "tagsConstant": true
        "contextConstants": [
        "variables": [
    // results of running the query in context of the item feed and its configuration:
    "evaluationResult": {
        "evaluationErrors": [],
        // fully processed filtering string, with inserted values of context attributes:
        "modifiedFilteringString": "IF(\"vip\" IN [documentation,test,example] THEN discount > 0.0 ELSE discount == 0.0)",
        // the number of matching items:
        "resultsSize": 584
    // results of checking particular items against the filter:
    "candidateItems": [
            "itemId": "302",
            "valid": false
            "itemId": "413",
            "valid": true
    // an array of example items which matched the filter:
    "exampleItems": [

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