Content Widget (iOS)

Content widget is a feature in the Software Development Kit that allows you to embed an easily customizable view with recommendations in your application.

Two view layouts are available:

  • Horizontal slider - a single row view that slides horizontally on the screen.
  • Grid view - can be displayed as full- or half-screen grid layout within your app.

Both views offer a number of configuration options that allow you to style the view consistently in the app. Additionally, the Content widget automatically tracks 4 events:

  • recommendation.seen or recommendation.view (depending on configuration) sent when a recommended item is visible to the customer.
Recommendation.seen event
Recommendation.seen event
  • sent when a customer clicks the recommended item. event event
  • sent when a customer clicks a selectable button in the recommendation. (The button must be added)
Event sent when a user clicks the
Event sent when a user clicks the "like" button on an item
  • product.dislike sent when a customer clicks a selectable button in the recommendation a second time. (The button must be added)
Product.dislike event
Product.dislike event
Note: Currently, the widget can only be used for displaying AI recommendations.


To use the content widget feature, you must:

  • Obtain a customer token from Customer Authentication.

  • Create an AI Recommendation.

  • Create a document.
    Such a document should contain the following content:

    	"name": "Similar Products",
    	"recommendations": "{% recommendations_json3 campaignId=COhsCCOdu8Cg %} {% endrecommendations_json3 %}"

  • In the notepad, save the document’s slug and the ID of the recommendation for later use.

Tip: It’s a good practice to name slugs based on the area of the app that you want to place the content in, for example product-details, menu, and so on.

Basic implementation

Configure the ContentWidgetOptions and ContentWidgetAppearance settings first.

Class Description
ContentWidgetOptions ContentWidgetOptions contains options for business logic, such as the slug, product identifier, and so on. Read more.
ContentWidgetAppearance ContentWidgetAppearance contains the UI configuration. Read more.

The example below is the most basic implementation.

let options = ContentWidgetOptions()
options.slug = "similar"
options.mapping = { model in
	guard let imageURLString = model.attributes["imageLink"] as? String,
				let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString),
				let title = model.attributes["title"] as? String,
				let priceDictionary = model.attributes["price"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
				let priceValue = priceDictionary["value"] as? Double
	else {
		return nil

	let dataModel = ContentWidgetRecommendationDataModel(imageURL: imageURL, title: title, priceCurrency: "PLN", price: NSNumber(value: priceValue), salePrice: nil)

	if let salePriceDictionary = model.attributes["salePrice"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
		let salePriceValue = salePriceDictionary["value"] as? Double {
		dataModel.salePriceValue = NSNumber(floatLiteral: salePriceValue)

	let badgeDataModel = ContentWidgetBadgeDataModel(backgroundColor:, textColor: UIColor.white, text: "Black Week")
	dataModel.badge = badgeDataModel

	return dataModel

let gridLayout = ContentWidgetGridLayout()
let itemLayout = ContentWidgetBasicProductItemLayout()
let appearance = ContentWidgetAppearance(widgetLayout: gridLayout, itemLayout: itemLayout)

let widget = ContentWidget(options: options, appearance: appearance)

let widgetView = widget.getView()
widgetView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width, height: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height)



The ContentWidgetRecommendationsOptions class is responsible for defining the business logic options of the widget, for example:

  • slug of the document
  • product identifier
  • recommendation data model mapper

The table explains the parameters that can be configured in ContentWidgetRecommendationsOptions.

Parameter Type Default Description
slug String nil Slug responsible for generating data
productID String nil Product identifier for generating data
mapping ((ContentWidgetRecommendationModel) -> (ContentWidgetRecommendationDataModel?)) nil Mapping block responsible for mapping data from the feed to a ContentWidgetRecommendationDataModel
recommendationEventType ContentWidgetRecommendationEventType - Recommendation event type.
  • .view sends all products in one event. We highly recommend using this type of event in content widget.
  • .seen sends each event as a separate event.
let widgetOptions = ContentWidgetRecommendationsOptions()
widgetOptions.slug = "similar"
widgetOptions.productID = "12345"
widgetOptions.mapping = { model in
	guard let imageURLString = model.attributes["imageLink"] as? String,
				let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString),
				let title = model.attributes["title"] as? String,
				let priceDictionary = model.attributes["price"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
				let priceValue = priceDictionary["value"] as? Double
	else {
		return nil

	let dataModel = ContentWidgetRecommendationDataModel(imageURL: imageURL, title: title, priceCurrency: "PLN", price: NSNumber(value: priceValue), salePrice: nil)

	if let salePriceDictionary = model.attributes["salePrice"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
		let salePriceValue = salePriceDictionary["value"] as? Double {
		dataModel.salePriceValue = NSNumber(floatLiteral: salePriceValue)

	let badgeDataModel = ContentWidgetBadgeDataModel(backgroundColor:, textColor: UIColor.white, text: "Black Week")
	dataModel.badge = badgeDataModel

	return dataModel


The ContentWidgetAppearance class is responsible for defining the appearance of the widget.

The class consists of parameters that define the widget’s appearance, however, two of them are the most important:

The table explains the parameters that can be configured in ContentWidgetAppearance.

Parameter Type Default Description
layout ContentWidgetLayout - Class that inherits from ContentWidgetLayout contains the UI details of widgetLayout
itemLayout ContentWidgetItemLayout - Class that inherits from ContentWidgetItemLayout contains the UI details of a single item in a widget

Widget layouts

Horizontal Slider

This layout is intended to present recommendations in a fixed-hight horizontal scrollable slider.

Example widget configuration with horizontal slider:

Content Widget - Horizontal Slider


The table explains the parameters of SNRContentWidgetHorizontalLayout.

Property Type Default Description
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clearColor Background color of a widget
insets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner widget margins in pt
itemSize CGSize (150.0, 200.0) Size of a single item in pt
itemSpacing CGFloat 16.0 Horizontal spacing between items in pt
numberOfItems Int - A read-only property. It returns the number of items after a widget is loaded


let horizontalSliderLayout = ContentWidgetHorizontalSliderLayout()
horizontalSliderLayout.insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 16.0, left: 16.0, bottom: 16.0, right: 16.0)
horizontalSliderLayout.itemSize = CGSize(width: 150, height: 350)
horizontalSliderLayout.itemSpacing = 8.0

Grid View

This layout presents recommendations in a vertical scrollable grid, with elements organized into columns and rows. You can create a full- or half-screen widget.

Example widget configuration with grid layout:

Content Widget - Grid View


The table explains the parameters of the grid layout.

Property Type Default Description
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clearColor Background color of a widget
insets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner widget margins in pt
itemSize CGSize (150.0, 200.0) Size of a single item in pt
itemHorizontalSpacing CGFloat 16.0 Horizontal spacing between items in pt
itemVerticalSpacing CGFloat 16.0 Vertical spacing between items in pt
numberOfItems Int - A read-only property. It returns the number of items after the widget is loaded


let gridLayout = ContentWidgetGridLayout()
gridLayout.insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 16.0, left: 16.0, bottom: 16.0, right: 16.0)
gridLayout.itemSize = CGSize(width: 150, height: 350)
gridLayout.horizontalItemSpacing = 8.0
gridLayout.verticalItemSpacing = 8.0

Widget Item layouts

Basic Product Item Layout

This is the basic layout for items. It contains: the image, the title, and the price from the uploaded data.


The table below contains all parameters you can configure in the basic item layout.

Property Type Default Description
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.whiteColor Background color of an item
cornerRadius CGFloat 0.0 Radius of the item corners
borderWidth CGFloat 0.0 Width of the item’s border
borderColor CGFloat nil Color of the item’s border
shadowColor UIColor nil Color of the item’s shadow
imageWidthRatio CGFloat 1.0 Image width. A ratio of 1.0 means that the image width equals to 100% of the entire height of the item
imageHeightRatio CGFloat 0.35 Image height. A ratio of 0.35 means that image height equals to 35% of the entire height of the item
imageBackground UIColor UIColor.clearColor Background color of the image
imageContentMode UIViewContentMode UIViewContentMode.scaleToFill Display content mode of the image
topTextInsets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner margins of the top text label
topTextFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0) Font of the top text label
topTextFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the top text label
topTextAlignment NSTextAlignment Alignment of the top text label
titleInsets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner margins of the title label
titleFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0) Font of the title label
titleFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the title label
titleAlignment NSTextAlignment Alignment of the title label
subtitleInsets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner margins of the subtitle label
subtitleFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0) Font of the subtitle label
subtitleFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the subtitle label
subtitleAlignment NSTextAlignment Alignment of the subtitle label
identifierInsets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner margins of the identifier label
identifierFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0) Font of the identifier label
identifierFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the identifier label
identifierAlignment NSTextAlignment Alignment of the identifier label
priceInsets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner margins of the price label
priceFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14.0) Font of the price label
priceFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the price label
priceAlignment NSTextAlignment Alignment of the price label
priceGroupSeparator String nil Separator of price group
priceDecimalSeparator String nil Separator of price decimal
priceCurrencyPosition ContentWidgetPriceCurrencyPosition .right Determines the side on which the price currency is
isSalePriceVisible Bool true Flag determining whether to show the sale price label or not
salePriceOrientation UILayoutConstraintAxis UILayoutConstraintAxis.Horizontal Orientation of the sale price label
isDiscountPercentageVisible Bool true Flag determining whether to show the discount percentage label or not
discountPercentageFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10.0) Font of the discount percentage label
discountPercentageFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Font of the discount percentage label
regularPriceFont UIFont nil Font of the regular price label
regularPriceFontColor UIColor nil Color of the sale regular label
salePriceFont UIFont nil Font of the sale price label
salePriceFontColor UIColor nil Color of the sale price label
loyaltyPointsInsets UIEdgeInsets (8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) Inner margins of the loyalty points label
loyaltyPointsAlignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Alignment of the loyalty points label
loyaltyPointsNumberFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0) Font of the loyalty points number label
loyaltyPointsNumberFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the loyalty points number label
loyaltyPointsTextFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0) Font of the loyalty points text label
loyaltyPointsTextFontColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Color of the loyalty points text label
loyaltyPointsText UIFont ‘Loyalty points’ Text after the number of loyalty points
badge SNRContentWidgetBadgeItemLayoutPartial nil Optional badge view
actionButton SNRContentWidgetImageButtonCustomAction nil Optional button for your own custom action


let itemLayout = ContentWidgetBasicProductItemLayout()
itemLayout.imageWidthRatio = 1.0
itemLayout.imageHeightRatio = 0.4
itemLayout.borderWidth = 2.0
itemLayout.borderColor =
itemLayout.shadowColor =
itemLayout.cornerRadius = 12.0

Interaction with the Widget

Public Interface

load() - Starts fetching data and creates a view structure of the widget.

isLoaded() - Checks whether the widget is successfully loaded.

getView() - Gets the root view of the whole widget view structure.


ContentWidgetDelegate is used to inform developers about the state of a widget.

  • snr_widgetIsLoading(widget:isLoading:) - Called when the widget’s loading state changes. It’s an optional method.
  • snr_widgetDidLoad(widget:) - Called after the widget is loaded. It’s a required method.
  • snr_widgetDidNotLoad(widget:error:) - Called when an error occurs while loading. It’s a required method.
  • snr_widgetDidChangeSize(widget:size:) - Called when the widget size changes. It’s an optional method.
  • snr_widgetDidReceiveClickAction(widget:model:) - Called when the customer clicks a widget item. It’s a required method.
Note: Check the ContentWidgetDelegate section for more details.

Image Button Custom Action

ContentWidgetImageButtonCustomAction is used to add an image button to your widget (only if the item layout allows). You can add a button with a single state or make it selectable.


Property Type Default Description
predefinedActionType ContentWidgetBaseCustomActionPredefiniedActionType .none It determines which event is sent on click
size CGSize CGSize.Zero Button size
position CGPoint CGPoint.Zero Position
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clearColor Background color of the button
tintColor UIColor UIColor.blackColor Fill color of the button’s image, if an asset supports it
image UIImage nil Button image
isSelectable Bool nil Flag determining whether the button is selectable
selectedImage UIImage nil Image of the button when the button is selected
isSelected SNRContentWidgetImageButtonCustomActionIsSelectedBlock nil Block/closure to be executed when the widget needs to determine the state of a button in the cell
onReceiveClickAction SNRContentWidgetImageButtonCustomActionReceiveClickActionBlock nil Block/closure to be executed when the button is clicked


  • isSelected - Called when the widget tries to determine button’s state. The only one parameter is model of data for the cell (for example Recommendation). It’s an optional property.
  • onReceiveClickAction - Called when the button was clicked. Parameters are model of data for the cell (for example Recommendation) and current state of button. It’s an optional property.

Sample Implementations

Horizontal Slider

This is an example with ContentWidgetHorizontalSliderLayout. It always has fixed height, so after the widget is loaded, its content height can be calculated.

That is why it is done in the snr_widgetDidLoad(widget:) method.

The widget content size in a horizontal slider layout can be calculated by the getSize() method.

class ContentWidgetHorizontalSliderSampleViewController: UIViewController, ContentWidgetDelegate {
	var widget: ContentWidget!

    @IBOutlet weak var widgetContainerView: UIView!

	// MARK: - Lifecycle

	override func viewDidLoad() {


	// MARK: - Private

	func setupWidget() -> Void {
		let options = ContentWidgetRecommendationsOptions()
		options.slug = "similar"
		options.productID = "12345"
		options.mapping = { model in
			guard let imageURLString = model.attributes["imageLink"] as? String,
						let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString),
						let title = model.attributes["title"] as? String,
						let priceDictionary = model.attributes["price"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
						let priceValue = priceDictionary["value"] as? Double
			else {
				return nil

			let dataModel = ContentWidgetRecommendationDataModel(imageURL: imageURL, title: title, priceCurrency: "PLN", price: NSNumber(value: priceValue), salePrice: nil)

			if let salePriceDictionary = model.attributes["salePrice"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
				let salePriceValue = salePriceDictionary["value"] as? Double {
				dataModel.salePriceValue = NSNumber(floatLiteral: salePriceValue)

			let badgeDataModel = ContentWidgetBadgeDataModel(backgroundColor:, textColor: UIColor.white, text: "Black Week")
			dataModel.badge = badgeDataModel

			return dataModel

		let horizontalSliderLayout = ContentWidgetHorizontalSliderLayout()
		horizontalSliderLayout.insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 16.0, left: 16.0, bottom: 16.0, right: 16.0)
		horizontalSliderLayout.itemSize = CGSize(width: 150, height: 350)
		horizontalSliderLayout.itemSpacing = 8.0

		let itemLayout = ContentWidgetBasicProductItemLayout()
		itemLayout.imageWidthRatio = 1.0
		itemLayout.imageHeightRatio = 0.4
		itemLayout.borderWidth = 2.0
		itemLayout.borderColor =
		itemLayout.shadowColor =
		itemLayout.cornerRadius = 12.0

		let actionButton = ContentWidgetImageButtonCustomAction()
		actionButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
		actionButton.tintColor =
		actionButton.image = UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "Shop Flow/icon_favorite_add")
		actionButton.isSelectable = true
		actionButton.selectedImage = UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "Shop Flow/icon_favorite_remove")
		actionButton.size = CGSize(width: 40, height: 40)
		actionButton.predefinedActionType = .sendLikeEvent
		actionButton.onReceiveClickAction = {
			model, isSelected in

			if let recommendationModel = model as? Recommendation {
				print("Content Widget did receive click action for action button \(recommendationModel.title)")
		actionButton.isSelected = {
			model in

			return false

		itemLayout.actionButton = actionButton
		itemLayout.actionButtonPosition = CGPoint(x: (150.0 - 40 - 8), y: 8)

		let appearance = ContentWidgetAppearance(widgetLayout: horizontalSliderLayout, itemLayout: itemLayout)

		widget = ContentWidget(options: options, appearance: appearance)
		widget.delegate = self

	// MARK: - ContentWidgetDelegate

	func snr_widgetIsLoading(widget: ContentWidget, isLoading: Bool) {
		print("Content Widget is loading: \(isLoading)")

	func snr_widgetDidLoad(widget: ContentWidget) {
		print("Content Widget did load")

		let widgetView: UIView = widget.getView()
		let widgetSize: CGSize = (widget.layout as! ContentWidgetHorizontalSliderLayout).getSize()


		widgetView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
		widgetView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.topAnchor).isActive = true
		widgetView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
		widgetView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.leftAnchor).isActive = true
		widgetView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.rightAnchor).isActive = true

		widgetContainerView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: widgetSize.height).isActive = true

	func snr_widgetDidNotLoad(widget: ContentWidget, error: Error) {
		print("Content Widget did not load. Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

	func snr_widgetDidChangeSize(widget: ContentWidget, size: CGSize) {
		print("Content Widget did change size to: \(size)")

	func snr_widgetDidReceiveClickAction(widget: ContentWidget, model: BaseModel) {
		if let recommendationModel = model as? Recommendation {
			print("Content Widget did receive click action for \(recommendationModel.title)")

Grid View

A basic example with ContentWidgetGridLayout and UITableViewController. Remember that cells are prototyped.

Initially, the height of the tenth row equals zero, because there is no possibility of getting the correct height of the widget. Before the widget is loaded, we don’t know how many items it’s going to contain.

The widget view is flexible, so it fits the dimensions that you set up. If the height of the widget that you set is smaller than the total height of the generated grid, the content can be scrolled vertically.

The grid’s content height depends on:

  • The widget width that you set up
  • The number of items that have been loaded

That is why the code below reloads the tenth row after the widget is loaded. Earlier, it was impossible to calculate the height correctly.

In addition, the widget row is reloaded when the snr_widgetDidChangeSize(widget:size:) method is called. In this case, it’s a required action, because the widget has pinned constraints to superview in a prototyped cell.

The widget’s content size changes with the tableview size, for example when the screen orientation changes, the widget’s height needs to be re-calculated. Otherwise, the cell height may be larger that necessary.

The total widget content size in a grid layout can be calculated by the getSize(preferredWidth:) method.

class ContentWidgetGridViewSampleViewController: UITableViewController, ContentWidgetDelegate {
	var widget: ContentWidget!

    @IBOutlet weak var widgetContainerView: UIView!

	// MARK: - Lifecycle

	override func viewDidLoad() {


	func setupWidget() -> Void {
		let options = ContentWidgetRecommendationsOptions()
		options.slug = "similar"
		options.productID = "12345"
		options.mapping = { model in
			guard let imageURLString = model.attributes["imageLink"] as? String,
						let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString),
						let title = model.attributes["title"] as? String,
						let priceDictionary = model.attributes["price"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
						let priceValue = priceDictionary["value"] as? Double
			else {
				return nil

			let dataModel = ContentWidgetRecommendationDataModel(imageURL: imageURL, title: title, priceCurrency: "PLN", price: NSNumber(value: priceValue), salePrice: nil)

			if let salePriceDictionary = model.attributes["salePrice"] as? [AnyHashable: Any],
				let salePriceValue = salePriceDictionary["value"] as? Double {
				dataModel.salePriceValue = NSNumber(floatLiteral: salePriceValue)

			let badgeDataModel = ContentWidgetBadgeDataModel(backgroundColor:, textColor: UIColor.white, text: "Black Week")
			dataModel.badge = badgeDataModel

			return dataModel

		let gridLayout = ContentWidgetGridLayout()
		gridLayout.insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 16.0, left: 16.0, bottom: 16.0, right: 16.0)
		gridLayout.itemSize = CGSize(width: 150.0, height: 350.0)
		gridLayout.horizontalItemSpacing = 8.0
		gridLayout.verticalItemSpacing = 8.0

		let itemLayout = ContentWidgetBasicProductItemLayout()
		itemLayout.imageWidthRatio = 1.0
		itemLayout.imageHeightRatio = 0.4
		itemLayout.borderWidth = 2.0
		itemLayout.borderColor =
		itemLayout.shadowColor =
		itemLayout.cornerRadius = 12.0

		actionButton.onReceiveClickAction = {
			model, isSelected in

			if let recommendationModel = model as? Recommendation {
				print("Content Widget did receive click action for action button \(recommendationModel.title)")
		actionButton.isSelected = {
			model in

			return false

		itemLayout.actionButton = actionButton
		itemLayout.actionButtonPosition = CGPoint(x: (150.0 - 40.0 - 8.0), y: 8.0)

		let appearance = ContentWidgetAppearance(widgetLayout: gridLayout, itemLayout: itemLayout)

		widget = ContentWidget(options: options, appearance: appearance)
		widget.delegate = self

	// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate

	override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
		return 10

	override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
		if indexPath.row == 10 {
			if widget != nil && widget.isLoaded() {
				return (widget.layout as! ContentWidgetGridLayout).getSize(preferredWidth: tableView.bounds.size.width).height
			} else {
				return 0

		return 100.0

	// MARK: - ContentWidgetDelegate

	func snr_widgetIsLoading(widget: ContentWidget, isLoading: Bool) {
		print("Content Widget is loading: \(isLoading)")

	func snr_widgetDidLoad(widget: ContentWidget) {
		print("Content Widget did load")


		widgetView = widget.getView()

		widgetView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
		widgetView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.topAnchor).isActive = true
		widgetView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
		widgetView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.leftAnchor).isActive = true
		widgetView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: widgetContainerView.rightAnchor).isActive = true


	func snr_widgetDidNotLoad(widget: ContentWidget, error: Error) {
		print("Content Widget did not load. Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

	func snr_widgetDidChangeSize(widget: ContentWidget, size: CGSize) {
		print("Content Widget did change size to: \(size)")


	func snr_widgetDidReceiveClickAction(widget: ContentWidget, model: BaseModel) {
		if let recommendationModel = model as? Recommendation {
			print("Content Widget did receive click action for \(recommendationModel.title)")

More information

You can find more information under the following links:


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